
Why is the Yarona being introduced in Rustenburg?

The goals and objectives of the project are to transform existing public transport conditions by providing a high quality, cost effective, car- competitive public transport system that will serve the mobility needs of all segments of the municipality’s population, even current owners of private vehicles and in doing so, ease congestion, reduce the impact on […]


What is RRT?

Rustenburg Rapid Transit/transport is the municipality’s department responsible for planning, managing and implementing services for high quality public transport system that runs on an exclusive dedicated lane with coordinated and prioritised signalling. The people of Rustenburg, the municipality, and the RRT department have named the bus service Yarona.


What is IRPTN?

Integrated Rapid Transport Network refers to the integration of various modes of transport which seek to provide a safer, reliable, accessible, affordable, transport system that gives priority to the public over private transport. The plan is to provide integration of public transport with the emphasis of being on the delivery Rapid Transit (RT) system. This […]