Drone Yarona

Roads and Transport Portfolio Committee inducted on RRT Project

The Rustenburg City Council’s Roads and Transportation Portfolio Committee (DRT) was introduced to the Rustenburg Rapid Transport project. The new portfolio committee is composed of twenty-one council members from various political parties and is tasked with providing oversight to the directorate. The portfolio members are charged by the Council with ensuring that service delivery plans are implemented within the Directorate.

The introduction, led by Cllr Lebogang Pule, a Member of the Mayor’s Committee, began with a presentation by the Rustenburg Rapid Transport team outlining the project’s progress and challenges to date. Portfolio Committee members had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and suggestions to help implement the RRT project. Led by MMC Pule, the committee members were then taken to various RRT project construction sites, including the bus depot and around the city centre, Tlhabane at R104 Swaartruggens Road, and finally Rustenburg east 510 Stations. The RRT team told the committee that the station contractor was terminated in September 2021 for underperformance and poor workmanship at a number of stations.

However, the municipality is in the process of completing a process to invite suitable contractors to participate in a bidding process to complete the remaining work on the stations. At the construction sites, council members were shown the progress of the project infrastructure and were able to see the buses that will be used as part of a tour of the CBD. All of these activities took place at the Rustenburg Showgrounds, where the RRT depot will be located. The Portfolio Committee also met with the Bus Operating Company and the Taxi Negotiating Forum for an introductory meet.

“It is important that every Council member understands the project, and we are pleased to have hosted our Portfolio Committee. I am glad we were able to involve the portfolio members because we have a responsibility to make this project a success,” MMC Pule said. She added that the municipality is about to commission the RRT project in the Tlhabane area, which is Phase 1A of the project. At the beginning of the RRT project, 10 buses and a smaller branded cabs will be used. However, the stations will not be operational until construction is completed. MMC Pule also pointed out the fare collection system that will be implemented in and around Tlhabane by outlets, vendors and participating gas stations. The project will be expanded to other parts of Rustenburg in various phases. MMC Pule also noted that the RRT is implementing an automated fare collection system that will allow commuters to pay without cash using cards that will be available at various outlets, including merchants and participating gas stations in and around Rustenburg. The project is expected to expand to other parts of Rustenburg and be accessible to more residents in various phases over the next 5 years.

For more information about the project, visit www.yaronabus.org.za or call 0145903721/5. Facebook – Rustenburg Rapid Transport & Twitter – @KeYaronaBus.

